Wednesday, June 20, 2007

TT 12 Diets I'm not about to try

I'm not overweight, by any means, but in the past few I've noticed my waist and stomach have gotten bigger than I want them to be. And seeing as exercise isn't my favorite pastime--I'd much rather do anything else, really--I've pondered different ways I could lose some of that extra tonnage I'm carrying around. And the biggest thing I've found is that most diets or ways to lose weight just wouldn't work for me. So for my TT, I bring you:
Thirteen diets I'm not about to try.

1…. Green tea. In any of it's many forms. I've heard people swear by it, but with all the caffeine in there, I doubt I'd ever sleep if I took that. And right on the package it warns: Do not take if you are anxious. Nope, not for me.

2…. Atkins. My sister tried this one, per her doctor's orders several years ago and tried to convince me to do it with her. That was a big no. Anything that touts miracles by cutting out essential foods has some problems with it. Hello, heart failure. My sister didn't last, mainly because she refuses meat. What was her doctor thinking?

3…. Hollywood diet. Okay, to start, anything with the name Hollywood in it has red flags flying already. When has anyone in Hollywood been a good example of anything? And besides, living off fruit juice isn't healthy either.

4…. Weight Watchers. Just to dang complicated. If I have to count before I eat, that's a major turn off for me. Besides, I'm terrible at math. It's also out of my price range since they require you to buy a whole lot of stuff to join.

5…. Diet pills. These over-the-counter beauties are the staple for girls with eating disorders. If that doesn't scare you off, I don't know what will.

6…. Anorexia. Nope, couldn't do it. I enjoy eating too much to ever stop doing it. Starving yourself, even for a few days, equals big issues. I have enough without that to worry about.

7…. Bulimia. On a similar note, throwing up to stay skinny? I do anything I can to keep from vomiting. Why would I do that intentionally?

8…. Standing out in the cold in the middle of winter to 'shiver' off the pounds. This is actually a strategy I've heard girls have used to drop a dress size or two before prom. I couldn't believe it when I heard it. Can you say 'frostbite'?

9…. Laxatives. Eww. Making yourself sick intentionally has never been smart. Especially to lose weight.

10…. Hoodia. Another of the stimulants. Hey, it may work, but I'm not about to pump myself full of caffeine and similar substances.

11…. Eating only one 'miracle' food to lose weight. It's been around in various forms for years: peaches, carrots, watermelon, etc. But without balance, it can harm your body, like the woman my mom knew whose skin turned orange from only eating carrots.

12…. Olive oil diet. I can't remember the name, but one man wrote a book touting a diet that would slough off the pounds by drinking sugar water or olive oil instead of eating two meals of the three meals a day. Not only is it weird, but I really doubt you'd get all your nutrients that way.

13…. Slim Fast. I've tried the shakes and not once has one of those suckers filled me up.

Disclaimer: I understand that people who have eating disorders have serious problems and it is a serious issue for many women. I'm not mocking them or their pain, just discussing the various forms of weight loss I would never consider doing.


  1. Hi We have a diet philosophy - STOP dieting, just eat responsibly (Don't be a Fool, Eat for Fuel!)

    Happy TT

  2. The only diet regimen I ever tried is South Beach and it actually worked for me (I lost a total of 30 pounds). It just came to a point where the people I'm with can't dine with me anymore because I became too choosy with the food I ate. I just had to give it up eventually.

    Thanks for sharing your list.

    Happy Thursday!

  3. I think I have done all of those - some of them several times! they all work -- for a litte while. I have been fighting fat all my life. My TT is posted.

  4. I wouldn't try any of these methods, either. I'm addicted to the gym, but I also try hard to eat right and move around as much as possible. Park further away? If my hip's not bothering me, absolutely! A few steps here and a few there add up. Fast.

    Best of luck slimming down!

  5. I would never try any of these either!
    I'm a very picky eater, so I don't always eat the healthiest foods, but I just try to not over eat. And one of the biggest changes I made was giving up Pop - I subsitituted with water and lost a lot of weight just from not drinking all those extra empty calories every day.
    I also love to run and swim, which helps. Plus, I walk everywhere (I can't drive), and that can make a great workout for me some days.

  6. DH does Atkins on and off. I've been more or less following South Beach since my oldest was born. Strictly when I want to lose weight, and less so when I'm maintaining or pregnant. Except for in the first 2 weeks, there's no food group completely eliminated. It's all about substituting healthy carbs & fats for junk ones. I love the SB cookbooks too, yum!

  7. I've given up on dieting. I decided eating sensibly makes the most sense. I like to eat and don't want to deprive myself. I do need to exercise more and that is the issue I'm grappling with.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I wouldn't do those, either. I did one once where you try to get all the "food pyramid" foods eaten in the right portions, basically writing down everything you eat and drink, and when you have to put down cookie after cookie, you tend to rethink that next handful, lol. And it actually did help me, partly because I thought about it more and partly because I was drinking my water.

  9. I'm not about to try any of those diets either. I try to eat as healthy as I can (and I have to stop skipping meals)...only eating junk food on special occassions.


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