Monday, June 11, 2007

#%!%# insurance

I hate insurance companies. They're all evil bloodsuckers who should be prosecuted for theft. Robbing me blind of all my hard-earned money, what little of it I have, that is.

I promise, I'm not usually this bitter (she tells herself while heads around the world are nodding, 'yeah, right'). It's just that I had to fill out the paperwork for health insurance, right after cutting a check for COBRA. They're all trying to make sure I end up in the poor house, if they even give me insurance, that is.

After reviewing the paperwork with my dad, he informs me that my company is really cheap and doesn't have standard group insurance, so this means the insurance company can reject me if they want. And I don't have the best health in the world, so it's a possibility. But if I didn't tell them about something, they could come back after some big medical event and deny coverage for 'lying' on my application. What in the world are honest people supposed to do? It's a two-edged sword where if you really need insurance, it's impossible to get, but if you're healthy, you don't actually need it and yet they still rip you off with all their premiums.

So this leads me back to the insurance companies being filled with lying, cheating scumbags who want to take our money but won't spend any of it on you if they can help it.

The other day, after changing my auto insurance, I got called for a survey. My insurance company was sponsoring it, which they neglected to mention until well into the stupid thing. Of course it's impartial. Uh huh. Anyway, one question they asked was, "Do you feel like your insurance company is looking out for your best interest or their own?" And the obvious answer kids? Of course they're trying to line their own pockets.

The man doing the survey actually seemed surprised that I said that. At least until I told him, "That's what all insurance companies do." I tend to think he agreed with me, even though he wasn't allowed to say so.

So the moral of this story is that insurance companies suck, but no matter how much we hate them, we still need them. Boy, have they got us all suckered.


  1. I agree whole heartedly that insurance companies, no matter what they "insure" are minor scumbags.

    In the state of New Jersey, where I hail from, it's mandatory that you have auto insurance...and so the car insurance companies charge you an arm and a leg for coverage (basic coverage mind you!) because they can. Because they know they will get away with it. It's like three times what states down south charge.

    And health insurance...they are just full of idiots. My sister has issues so she see's a specialist and my family has such a hard time getting the insurance to keep covering for the appointments. I think they assume that if it's a physical issue, they won't have any problems paying out the money to cover...but because it's a not a physical problem they don't want to pay. Or else they will say they'll cover the visits and then the bills come in and they've screwed up...yet again.

    I think my mother spends just about all her free time on the phone arguing with the insurance company telling them that once again they have screwed up and they now owe my sister's doctor X amount of dollars.

  2. I'm really not looking forward to having to deal with things like insurance in the future. From what I've heard, it's extremely frustrating.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.