Tuesday, June 19, 2007


After a long absence, I was finally able to sit down and start writing again. I'd put off working on my book until things had calmed down a bit with work and everything else, but I think I'm ready to pick up the pen, or keyboard, though that doesn't sound nearly as eloquent, but whatever the case may be, I ready to plug away at it again.

I just hope my new-found source of inspiration or muse or whatever it is doesn't quit me too soon. It's nice to feel productive in the evenings. After putting in long day at work I often want to relax, but somehow when I really get to writing and I just don't want to stop, there's something even more refreshing. Maybe it's the excitement of getting words on paper that actually sound good. But even when it all sounds like crap, at least I'm pushing forward, which will lead me somewhere eventually.

So the good news is that I finally feel like I'm back. Life is going well and I'm starting to enjoy work for the sake of working. It's not nearly as stressful at work now and I'm understanding the whole process a book has to go through from start to finish, and, more importantly, my role in the whole process.
As a side note, I decided I should go visit my sister who lives in Washington. I'll have four days there, enough time to explore the little island where she lives and a day to play in Seattle. And it'll be good to catch up with my sister, though I did see her in March. But, hey, any excuse to travel is one I'll take. (The photos were taken during my last trip to visit my sister 2 years ago. Now you can understand why I'm excited to go for a visit. It's absolutely gorgeous up there.)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have fun in Washington. I've always wanted to visit there.

    Funnily enough, last night I got bored so I took out a notebook and started writing. Don't know where it'll lead but I'm hoping it'll lead to something and not just die after a few pages.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.