Thursday, June 14, 2007

I have (green) blood on my hands

Wow, I'm tired. I had a good day, though. It was my work party this evening, which means they let us off work at 3:00 so we could go to the local (small) waterpark. In the company of several of my fellow co-workers, who are also female, single and about my age, I went down the tube run and waterslides who knows how many times. Then we had a nice barbecue dinner and a game of miniature golf to round it off. All in all a pleasant evening, especially since I get along with those girls really well. We're already planning our next excursion: a small town about an hour away from us is having a Scottish festival. I've been before and it's so much fun, so I invited the girls to come with me in 3 weeks.

Oh, and sad news. When I returned home this evening I found my pretty little plant completely wilted. I definitely don't have a soft touch when it comes to plants or flowers; generally, well, pretty much always, I end up killing them, even when I try really hard. So I think, to save a life, I've going to have to turn it over to my dad or my stepmom for intervention. I only hope it'll be in time. I kept watering it. Maybe not enough, but it didn't die of thirst, I'm sure of that. It also needs direct sunlight, which it probably isn't getting in my room, so I put it outside to see if that will help. Poor thing. It was so nice and pretty with such beautiful blue flowers when I bought it, but it was downhill from the start. I thought I'd put it in my room to brighten it up. The poor thing probably thought it was going to get a nice home, and then I take it home and murder it. I did put it in a pretty yellow pot and tried to be nice to it. Maybe I don't know what my plant wants. I think I have a red thumb--the exact opposite of green and the color of blood, which is what I have on my hands. Poor plant. I hope it lives. It just looks so sad and wilty.

1 comment:

  1. I'm responsible for killing or nearly killing just about everyone of my mom's plants. I guess that's what happens when you ask me to keep the plants in my room for a few days (as we're having a party), and then not retrieve them for six months.

    Hopefully someone can save your plant!


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.