Thursday, June 28, 2007


I'm all about things that smell nice, but the title of this post refers to a "miscellaneous collection" as Mr. Webster says, which is basically what my thoughts are tonight. And I've included a random picture of flowers just because I want to.

To start off, I have neglected to blog about my beautiful new cloffice at work. That's what we've decided to call my new closet/office. When they hired me, they didn't have anywhere to put me, so while other people have been out on sick leave or leave of absences, I've been squatting in their offices.

Soon a few weeks after I started work, they started construction on the space underneath the staircase leading to the "loft" where I worked for 6 weeks. And then this week they let me know it was finished and I could move in. Fortunately they're good about providing supplies, though not for space. They really need to either expand the barn or build an additional workspace because we're almost all in really cramped quarters. But at least I have my own space now, where I can put things how I like and put up pictures and such. They even said I could paint, if I wanted to, but I can't imagine wanting to put in all that effort or time. For now, this is great. I'll have to take pictures later that I can post. Then you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

In other news, my hummus wasn't actually as bad as I originally thought it. Sitting in the fridge did it good. There's still too much tahini, but that isn't as noticeable when eaten on pita bread. So my recipe is in good order, with a few modifications, that is.

On a completely unrelated topic, my grandma is doing better, according to family members. And she's had quite a few visitors at the hospital, so I don't feel as guilty about not visiting.

Changing subjects again, I finally talked to the bird man and we set a date for this Saturday. It should be interesting, and maybe even a good thing if it all works out well. But I was surprised by his voice. Not what I expected at all, though I could detect a hint of his Southern accent. To tell the truth, I'm not sure what I was expecting, it just wasn't what I heard. More news to come on this subject.

Oh, and one more random thing. My plans for tomorrow night include a movie night with the girls I work with to watch "Miss Potter." It should be a lot of fun since I get along with all of them so well. You know, I really have been so blessed the past few months. I have a great job I love with people I really like. It finally feels like I've found where I belong. Now if only I could find a great apartment and have fun dating, things would be perfect. As it is, life ain't half bad.

Ooh! I almost forgot. But how could I forget this? It's such a lovely gift Shelly at This Eclectic Life gave me. She saw my things to do before I die list yesterday and decided to give me a jump start. She found these flowers growing in her yard and decided to name them after me. Aren't they so pretty? (And I promise I didn't intentionally steal the title of her post. It must have been subliminal, I swear.)


  1. Hm, I have visions of the cupboard that is Harry Potter's bedroom at the Dursley house.

  2. One of my co-workers had a similar thought, but I'm sure my closet is much bigger, though a bed would take up most of the space I have.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.