Wednesday, June 6, 2007

TT 10 Chick flicks to curl up with

I'm not feeling particularly creative tonight, so I thought I'd go for a TT staple list this week: Thirteen chick flicks sure to be warmth to your heart and bring tears to your eyes. Yes, I know it's cheesy, but so are some of my picks. You gotta love 'em.

1…. Pride and Prejudice. I've seen them all and love each of them for their own special reasons. But the one thing in common? Mr. Darcy is always really good looking. Way to go, eye candy!

2…. Ever After. Cinderella with spunk. Honestly, who needs a prince to save you when you can bust out of slavery on your own? True, but it's always nice to have him offer.

3…. Notting Hill. Hugh Grant may be a jerk in real life, but she so dorky cute you can't help but sigh when he gets the girl.

4…. A Knight's Tale. Heath Ledger. Mmm. Curly blond hair gets me every time.

5…. Jane Eyre (BBC version). Mr. Rochester played by none other than James Bond? What's not to love. Added bonus: Jane has guts and can carry her own.

6…. The Prince and Me. It may corny, maybe because they really should have picked a better title, but the romance is great. And what girl hasn't dreamed of falling in love with a prince in disguise?

7…. Ella Enchanted. If you're sensing a princess/fairy tale trend, it's probably because I love them. Old or new, original or remake, they're all great. As is Hugh Dancy. It's the curly hair again. And the accent.

8…. Sliding Doors. Gwyneth Paltrow really does have a good British accent, though I can hear the American slip through every once in a while. A great story.

9…. Mansfield Park. A very stylish adaption of another Jane Austen book. Can you tell I'm a fan?

10…. Practical Magic. I think Sandra Bullock is a great actress as well as being beautiful. I love how they weave the story together. Plus the book was written by Alice Hoffman, a great writer.

11…. Possession. Several of my favorite actors all in one place. And it's got two wonderful love stories from different time periods mixed together.

12…. Never Been Kissed. I really like that Drew Barrymore plays a copy editor. A woman after my own heart. Plus her romantic interest is nice to look at.

13…. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Not technically a romance, but the last 30 minutes will get you. Orlando Bloom at the end, wow. Even my friends who don't think he's good looking were dumbstruck by how great he looks at the end. Worth watching the movie just to see that.

And, as always, I'd love to hear what movies/chick flicks you like. I'm always looking for a new fave to add to the list.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


  1. Great list! Might have to 'borrow' this idea! Mine is up at Special K Family

  2. I enjoyed this list. Never been kissed is one of my favourite feel good movies. My list is up too: 13 phobias . . .

  3. Great list. I love so many of these - #2, 5, 8, 10, 12, and especially A Knight's Tale... Heath Ledger... yum!

  4. Great list! I wish I had more time to watch movies!

  5. I love this list! And that was a surprise, because from your comment at the TT site, I thought it was going to be a list of sexist monstrosities like Hitch. I love your taste!

  6. I thought for sure I would've seen more of your movies, but I've only seen Ever After (awesome movie) and Ella Enchanted. I guess I've got some movie watching to catch up on!

  7. Fun post! Are you not a Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan fan?

  8. First off, I own Hitch, but I really don't think it's that funny. I run more toward fairy tale/classics, especially British adaptions of books. And yes, I am a Julia Roberts fan, but I'm not much of a Meg Ryan fan. I know, I'm abnormal for not adoring Sleepless in Seattle or You've Got Mail.

  9. what a fun list..i enjoy a few of those

  10. Terrific list! Going to have to rent some DVDs this weekend. One movie on my mind because it's along the lines of what I'm writing is Romancing the Stone. I loved that movie.

  11. Ever After, Notting Hill & The Prince and Me are also on my top 20 list. great list this week!

  12. Sliding Doors is really, really good. I haven't seen the new Pirates movie yet ..

  13. Great list! I love Never Been Kissed. :D Happy Thursday!

  14. Terrific list!!! #2 is my girls and my all-time fave .. :) Happy TT!

  15. Haven't seen any of these films. The only one I want to see is the last one.

  16. I loved A Knight's Tale. It's so funny.

    As for my favorite chick flicks... hmmm... I really liked In Her Shoes (with Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette). The Holiday was pretty good, too (Cameron Diaz again, Jude Law, Jack Black, and some others).


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.