Monday, May 21, 2007

World domination

As if I weren't already addicted to blogging, Google has to go and make it even harder for me to stop obsessing about it. They have a great tool, which I'm sure everyone else in the blogosphere already knows about but I've only recently discovered: Google Analytics.

For a while now I've been disappointed with my poor excuse for a site meter. More often that not it's counting my own hits and only shows data for a short period of time with little helpful information. But no more! Now I will be helping Google along the path toward world domination by using another of their handy dandy little tools. Honestly, if someone's going to take over the world it might as well be Google. At least their products work and they don't charge for most of them. Onward, I say!

Anyway, I'm excited to check up on my site stats now, pathetic though they may be. The only problem is that I signed up yesterday and there aren't really any numbers to crunch yet. Sigh. All in good time, though. Soon I'll be tracking visitors and monitoring productivity along with the best of them. And the best part? No tacky buttons to clutter up my blog space even more than it already is.


  1. I know what you mean about the tacky buttons! I've never tried Google Analytics. I have so many things I've signed up to put on the blog, that I can't keep up with it! I hope your numbers rise and rise!

  2. I haven't heard of this you aren't the only one! I wonder if it works with Wordpress...Site Meter just doesn't cut it with Wordpress.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.