Wednesday, May 9, 2007

TT 7 Ways I can expand my mind

Thirteen Ways I Can Expand My Mind

1…. Visit museums. Although there aren't that many great museums in my area, I can visit the ones we do have. Nothing opens you up to new experiences like contemplating art.

2…. Read good fiction. I've slacked off with my classics lately. It's time I get serious again, but not too serious. There are still so many excellent modern writers, I need to spread the love around a little.

3…. Include nonfiction books. I've generally been averse to reading nonfiction on my own time, but now that I'm out of school I should hit the books again, this time to learn what I want. It also helps that I read (and edit) a variety of nonfiction books every day. Today included a cookbook, a book on architecture and a guide on floral arranging. If that's not varied, I don't know what is.

4…. Take walks. In addition to clearing the mind through a little bit of exercise, it helps me to contemplate my life and ponder the wonders of the universe while surrounded by nature.

5…. Write in journal. There's nothing better to understand life than write about it. It's so clarifying to put down my thoughts on paper.

6…. Participate in intelligent conversations/debates. Although boy talk and discussing the weather all have their place in life, I need to move past that if I'm to progress as a person, which leads me to...

7…. Surround myself with interesting people. How else will I have interesting conversations if not with interesting people? There's so much to learn from others' experiences, as well as creating new ones while in the company of an adventurous soul.

8…. Read newspaper daily. This was easy when I worked for the paper, but now that I'm at a new, though equally interesting, job, I've noticed that my knowledge of current events is somewhat down. Now I'll have to make an effort to know what's going on in the world.

9…. Take a dance class. When the body is learning new things, like dance, the mind lets go and focuses on the body. Completely invigorating. (Especially if it's tap.)

10…. Study religion. Spirituality is an important part of the mind, and I mustn't neglect that either. A scripture-study class is a worthwhile way to broaden my understanding.

11…. Snap more pictures. Photography is an excellent way to see life through a different perspective. I've noticed that when I've got the camera pressed against my face, I look at my surroundings differently and appreciate the little details and color so much more.

12…. Listen to classical music. More than any other type of music, research has shown that classical helps people learn and grow. And it's a peaceful backdrop to any endeavor.

13…. Spend more time with children. How easy it is to learn to see the world from the eyes of a child. And in doing so, I relearn so many things I hadn't realized I'd forgotten.


  1. What a beautiful thoughtful list! Thanks for visiting my first TT.

  2. It's amazing what you can learn from children. If you only have time for educated debate with adults or a conversation with a child, go with the kid everytime ;)

  3. i say AMEN!!!! visit museums; read nonfiction books; taking walks; writing in journals; participate in intelligent conversations/debates; surrounding oneself with interesting people; read newspaper everyday; take dance lessons; snap more pictures; and spending more time with the children......they are the best things in life!!!! great T13 list this week!!! thanks for reminding!!!

  4. That's a great list! I think we could all stand to do more of those things more often. Might make society better as whole. Thanks for the reminder :)

  5. This is a well thought out list. Since last fall I've been freelancing history articles aimed at middle school to high schoolers. It means reading lots of history books and biographies. I love the change of pace from my fiction writing and I enjoy the learning that comes with it. You are so right in some much of what you said.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Walking, thinking, and listening is one of the best ways! Also, this weekend, we visited Oxford, MS and learned lots of history. My granddaughter said it was better than being in class to learn! I agree.

    My TT is up.

  7. Great ideas here. Some of those are not an option for me right now, but I could manage a few.

  8. happy tt, that is a great list. we all need to do those things and spend a little less time with the computers and video games. that is a great list!

  9. SO many of these are really good to do. Lately I have been trying to take walks... to think and get myself out of the house. I love fiction but am trying to get myself to read harder fiction and more nonfiction. Good TT.


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