Wednesday, May 2, 2007

TT 6 Thirteen reasons to get my own place

Thirteen Reason it's Time for Me to Move Out

1…. I need my own space.

2…. No more following parents' rules.

3…. My stepmom's mood swings are killing me.

4…. It will cut down on the family drama/arguments I'll have to endure.

5…. I'll feel comfortable inviting friends over.

6…. No more 'chore list'.

7…. Freedom. Hallelujah!

8…. I'm an adult, so it's time I feel like one.

9…. It's embarrassing to tell people that I'm 26 and still living at home.

10…. I have too much stuff to fit in my little bedroom.

11…. Sharing a bathroom with my stinky brother is less than pleasant.

12…. I'm used to the college schedule of finding a new apartment every year.

13…. I want to start my life over again, and what better way to do it than move.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


  1. Thank you for the warm welcome to TT .. :) A few times in my adult life I ended up living with family, and then my best friend when I first was going through divorce. While I was very grateful for their help there really is no better feeling then having your own home .. :) Have a great rest of the week .. :)

  2. Sounds like you're determined to find your own place! Good for you, and I hope it helps family tensions decrease as you expect it to.

  3. No more chore list? I thought that too when I moved out. Then, reality hits and you discover that ALL the chores are yours now - thus the reason there's no more list *sigh*

    Good luck finding a great place to move to.

  4. 26 is probably a great time to break out on your own. The hard part is you never actually leave chores you will be in charge of all the chores. Man it sucks to grow up.

  5. Well it sounds as if you're definitely ready for a change. Good luck.

  6. Yes, it sounds like you're definitely ready for a change in location. I was so much happier when I finally moved away from the parents after college.
    Sadly though, you'll still have a chore list, and it'll seem even longer, because your the only one around to do it all.
    Good luck with finding a great place to live.

  7. Good luck finding a place of your own. It is great to be on your own. I agree with everyone else about the chore You'll have the whole thing!!

  8. Great decision. It feels good to live in your own place with your own rules.

    Been there, done that.

    Good luck!

  9. GOOD LUCK! Moving out from home was the best thing I ever did.

  10. moving out gives you that great sense of having your own life. Of course the responsibilities grow, but you have to have them sometime

  11. Moving out was the best thing I ever did!

  12. I was out of the house by 17 for college (save for summer breaks) and fully out by 20.

  13. I should clarify a few things: a) I understand I'll have to do chores, but I will be glad to not have my stepmom breathing down my neck while I do them, hence the "chore list", and b) I'd lived away from home for 6 years before moving back to save money after graduating. Life's not cheap, nosiree.

  14. It's a tough decision to be living on your own and I found that out when I was already 31. My Dad joined me when I moved out so it still feels like living with parents. But this time, the chores are just endless and I now have to pay for my share. It's tough but I'm lovin' it.

    Good luck and I hope you'll be able to start anew very soon.

    Happy Thursday!

  15. Sophisticated WriterMay 5, 2007 at 2:46 PM

    Good luck! I think you really need to move out :)


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