Wednesday, May 30, 2007

TT 9 Reasons to curse the dentist

Seeing as today I had to go in for the second stage of my root canal, I found it appropriate, while lying in that dreadful chair, to consider the
Thirteen reasons I hate going to the dentist.

1…. The pain that landed you in the hot seat in the first place. Never pleasant, especially when you just deal with it for 5 years instead of getting it taken care of.

2…. Having to wait a whole month from when they start the root canal to when they finish it and you can finally eat properly again.

3…. Dentists/hygenists with bad breath. I was lucky this time, but I've had some pretty bad breath blown right in my face as they work.

4…. The sound of the drill. Almost as bad as fingernails on the chalkboard but oh, so much more painful.

5…. That ridiculously long needle they stick you with to numb you up. When I can feel them move it around in my gums, that's when I'm about ready to stick them.

6…. Waiting only 10 seconds after the numbing shot before jumping in with the drill. Big surprise that I kept moaning every time they drilled. Yeah, buddy, that hurts.

7…. Drooling on yourself.

8…. Sitting there the whole time they're working on you thinking, "I could be working on my taxes and it wouldn't be this bad."

9…. Taking x-rays that involve sticking big sharp objects into your mouth that cut your gums and holding it there for several minutes until they're sure they got the x-ray right.

10…. Wishing they would just knock you out and wake you when it's all over.

11…. Watching them bring ridiculously long, sharp, pointy objects straight at your face and into your mouth.

12…. Knowing that once you're out of that chair and the numbness wears off, it's probably going to hurt quite a bit.

13…. The bill they slap you with afterward. Why does it cost so much to drill a hole in a stinking tooth and fill it up again?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


  1. Okay, I can so relate to these!!! I don't like the dentist. Although, I do have to say that I honestly did not know that they stuck a needle in your mouth to numb you up until I was in my 20s. My dentist growing up was excellent. I never saw it. And when they said "little pinch" I never thought that was it. It wasn't until I changed dentists that I saw that HUMONGOUS needle for the first time ever! LOL. Great list. Happy Thursday!

  2. 13 more reasons to keep postponing my own trip to the dentist. Though I have to get the kids in over the summer.

    Mama Kelly

    PS my 13 are up

  3. Hope you're pain-free very soon!

  4. You should meet my dentist. Last time he replaced some fillings, I didn't even feel the needle go in with the novacaine -- and that was without that stupid stuff they use so you don't feel it. He's THAT gentle. Good-looking, too!

    Happy TT!

  5. Ugh.. I'm totally creeped out just reading about dentists! The very fact that any of them have poor breath is just sad.. they're dentists! Plenty of mouthwash around, swish with it Doctor!

    I barf every time I smell fluoride. The dentist never believes me until what I warned them about actually happens. They should listen to the patient a little better haha

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. Eeek. Don't remind me. I went and bought "temp filling" stuff to avoid the dentist for a few more weeks. Not sure what reason was worst - pain or the massive bill.

  7. Uggh... I got the chills just reading this list. I hate going to the dentist too for all of the same reasons! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Hate, hate, hate the dentist. So much so that I've been putting off dental surgery since last October! :-0

  9. Ugh, I hate going to the dentist, too! I hate being scraped and squirted and having my mouth open so long my jaw feels like it's about to crack open. Blugh. Just... BLUGH.

    Sorry you had to have a root canal, but I'm glad you now have it behind you instead of as something to dread. Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. I have a good dentist but I can SO relate to these. I sit in the damn chair way way too often.

  11. The drill noise and smell are what get to me most.

  12. I can definitely understand number 3. There is nothing worse than someone working over your face with bad breath, and it's kind of ironic that your the person working to improve your oral health can't keep their mouth fresh.

  13. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't like dentists...
    I don't like dentists...
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    My tt is up...
    Try and have a good day...

  14. Ouch, ouch, ouch... I had a dentist take out the WRONG tooth when I was a child and have been phobic ever since.

  15. Good list, and I agree wholeheartedly. But, next time, take one of those sleep masks (so you don't see the needles and sharp things) and try wearing a set of earphones and listening to good music. It helps a lot, I promise.

  16. Eww...sorry about your dental experience. I would rather do just about anything but go to the dentist.

  17. I've never had a root canal done, nor a normal cavity...and after reading this I hope I never have to go through one!

    Take it easy after your hellish ordeal!


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