Monday, May 14, 2007


Root canal. Just thinking the words are enough to cause pain. But after 5 years of dealing with a problem tooth, I decided to let the dentist fix it. So far it isn't hurting much, but I'm sure that will change. At least the pain will be temporary compared to the ever-present aches I've been dealing with for the past several years.

While sitting in the dentist chair awaiting my fate, I looked around me and noticed all the interesting gadgets he had. My dentist, though more expensive, is really good, the only good dentist I've ever found actually, and is always up to date on the latest technology. As he drilled out the root, he looked through a microscope with a Nikon digital camera attached. Now that's a little piece of equipment I'd like to own.

Then the thought struck me on how amazing it is to have all the technology we do. Gone are the days when teeth were pulled with a pair of dirty pliers as the horrified patient wailed his agony. For that I am thankful. As it is, I couldn't feel much as they drilled and poked and prodded with lots of objects so long and sharp they could have been adequately used as torture devices.

I can't imagine how awful it would be to suffer through the pain and wait until your teeth rotted out. Ugh. Despite all my complaints about technology that doesn't do what I want it to, I am really thankful we have it, even if only for the sake of my teeth.


  1. As someone who will be getting her wisdom teeth pulled very soon, I am definitely thankful for all the new technology. I want the procedure to be as painless as possible.

  2. Good point about how technology makes so many health things so much easier-- that is, less painful. I guess we take the good with the bad in life.

    Hope you're feeling chipper by now.


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