Wednesday, March 28, 2007

TT4 Ways to de-stress

Thirteen ways I (try to) de-stress

1…. Getting a massage. Mmm...

2…. Doing yoga. It's especially nice when I can feel all my muscles stretching.

3…. Chic flics. P&P anyone?

4…. Sitting in my hot tub for a few hours.

5…. Curling up with a good read, especially if there's a nice romance involved.

6…. Venting my frustrations in my journal or on my lovely bloggie.

7…. Taking a long walk through the park behind my house.

8…. Petting my dog, a golden retriever. For his size, it's surprising how much he likes to cuddle.

9…. Prayer. Nothing works better.

10…. Laying on the floor breathing deeply.

11…. Kneading a stress ball. Effective for work where you aren't allowed to throttle your boss.

12…. Taking a nap.

13….Talking it out with friends over lunch.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


  1. i do all that, except for #8 coz i don't have a pet. great T13 list for this week.

  2. Yes, yes, yes! All wonderful ways to de-stress! What can you recommend for peeling your shoulders out from under your ears?? *sigh*

  3. ooo, massage. That really loosens me up! Great TT post.

  4. O yeah... great suggestions! My best friend is a masseur; aren't I lucky? But you have a hot tub, wow!
    My TT is about posts without comments.

  5. Great ideas! Petting, cuddling, and playing with my kitties is a great de-stressor, as is reading. Taking a walk outside is great, too!

    Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. I'll make the popcorn. Someone fire up P&P.

    Too dang many people at my house today for yoga *grumble*

  7. I so need to destress these days. I massage sounds like a great idea. Maybe I should sign up for one...

    Thanks for stopping by my site.

  8. I really like # 12 hehehe Nice list.


  9. I love #11, but I'm lucky to have 2 great bosses. Thanks for visiting!

  10. Oh man! I could use any or all of those right now. Prayer is the only one available to me at this moment, though, so I'll stick with that for a while.

  11. Books and prayer are my two favorites.

  12. I've just been introduced to the world of yoga, and I love it (though it makes me very sore).

    Thanks for stopping by. :)


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