Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And next up, jerk number 2

Okay, I lied. Well, not really, but I'm not keeping up on my resolution, either. I didn't have any time to post earlier, however, because I had a date. Yes, a date. Something I haven't had in nearly a year. Pathetic, I know, but there it is.

Anyway, I have lots to share about unusual things guys say when they are a) interested in a girl or b) mad that a girl rejected them.

So to start, I'll relate what happened on the date today. The guy was nice and we met at a restaurant for lunch, nothing too fancy, but it took us forever to get in there because he kept getting lost, so I had to direct him in. Anyway, once we started talking I realized just how little we had in common. Well, I already knew this to some extent since we'd talked on the phone some, but it really hit me as we spoke face to face.

All I can really say about him is that he really lacked tact. A sampling of him extremely tactless remarks:

"Is your family wealthy?"
"If you don't use birth control right after you're married then you could have a kid 10 months later."
"A girl I went out with last week..."
"I'm really trying to date more and have dates lined up with other girls this weekend."
"I'm dating a lot because I have more money now than I've ever had before."
"I only got into that university with a full-ride scholarship because I'm a minority."

And those lovely quotes are in addition to further discussion on taboo subjects for a first date, which include money, race, other people you're dating and birth control. I still have no idea how he was able to pull all that off without feeling slightly embarrassed.

Needless to say, that will be the one and only date with him.

Moving on to the bizarre messages I received from another gentleman (or should I say jerk) from the online dating thing. He had sent me a "flirt" a week ago, but I wasn't really interested so I sort of ignored it. Bad I know, but there it is. Anyway, last night he sent me a message that said:

"I would love to get to know you some more, you sound like a really great gal and it would be great to chat with a cutie like yourself..."

I responded by saying I wasn't interested. A few minutes later he sent this message:

"You are a cute girl but you don't seem like the type that would go for a guy like me."

Right on, bucko. But of course I didn't say that. Actually, I didn't say anything because I was busy doing something else on the computer. Five minutes passed when I received this nasty little piece of work:

"Like I said, I could never get a girl like you but in all honesty, I am too good for you."

I was shocked, to say the least, that someone could be so rude over being rejected online. I was going to tell him exactly where to shove it but decided to take the high road and just blocked him from seeing my profile or sending me messages so I didn't have to worry about getting any more jerky little messages.

It's amazing how thin skinned some people can be. Boy, will I be glad when the horrors of dating are behind me.

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I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.