Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Back to (somewhat) normal

Well, I've calmed down a bit now. And none too soon. I had just gotten to my breaking point and hit bottom for a few hours, nothing terribly pleasant, but at least it wasn't as bad as it's been in the past.

I am feeling better now, not completely cheerful but also not ready to rip someones throat out with my teeth. That was a pretty vile mood I was in yesterday; those these tend to come at times but I always seem to make it through relatively whole and unharmed.

It doesn't help that it's dark and dreary outside with buckets of rain pouring down. I always seem to feel better when it's nice and sunny, something I'm sure most people would say. I don't think I've ever met a person who preferred the weather stormy and overcast to sunshine.

So, no worries about me. I'll pick myself up again, like I always do. At least I can be grateful that this crash wasn't as bad as some I've had in the past. Maybe I am learning from the bad times and making it easier on myself when I do fall into a bad mood. That is one thing to be happy about.

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