Sunday, July 1, 2007


This evening I finally went to visit my grandma in the hospital. She's doing really well, though she still has a little numbness in her left hand and face, which is to be expected after a stroke. Fortunately it was only a small blood clot, so she should recover well.

I'd never realized how stubborn my grandma is. Most of my memories of her involve my grandpa, who was such a strong personality she had to be the docile one in the relationship to balance him out. Well, now that he's been gone a good 8 years or so, she's had to do a lot without him. But I never took the time to notice. She was always the quiet one in the background at family events. Tonight, however, I was for the first time her wit and vivacity coming through. She didn't want to wait for the nurses to help her with anything. At one point she had her walker rocking back and forth raring to get out of the chair and couldn't wait another second until they came. The only reason she waited is the nurses got upset if she tried to walk without them, so she waited, but not patiently.

It was also good to talk with other members of my extended family. I hadn't seen some of them in years. At first I was hesitant to open up to any of them because I've never really had much in common with many members of my extended family. Our lives are so different, and sometimes it's hard for me to get past the differences. But I need to learn, because they are family, yes, but also because I need to learn to love people different than myself. And what better place to start than within my own family.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you went to go visit your grandmother. I'm sure that it made her feel better seeing you...

    The last time my grandmother was in the hospital, I tried to catch her at our local hospital but a few hours earlier she'd been transferred to a hospital about an hour a city I refuse to drive in. My mother promised to drive me down a few days later...the day before we were going to go I got a phone call from her doctor saying she wasn't doing well (though, she had seemed fine to everyone), a few hours later we got another call saying that she had passed away. It made me feel horrible that I had missed seeing her that last time in the hospital. :(


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.