Monday, July 9, 2007


I want things to be easy in my life. That's what I want, but what I get is a completely different matter. Case in point: Today I talked to a nice girl (a friend of a friend) who is looking for a roommate. Perfect, I thought, and she even had a place in mind that was definitely within my budget. So she calls back just a few minutes ago to tell me the perfect place she had wanted to rent had been rented to someone else just 5 minutes before she called. It just wasn't meant to be.

I had thought, or at least really hoped, that once I made my decision to move out, things would fall into place so I could finally move forward with my life. I was wishing for the "beginner's luck" referenced in The Alchemist, for the universe to conspire to help me start on the path. But maybe I'm further along the path than I thought and the beginner's luck has already come and gone, leaving me with the frustrating middle of the road where I have to make hard decisions and wait and keep looking until something finally pans out. Or I could be jumping the gun a bit since I made my final decision a few short days ago.

Thing is, when I make a decision, I like to get moving and make things happen. I don't like to wait around, I don't want to be patient. I want things to work out how I want right now. No, I'm not a patient person, but I can also be determined, which I think is a good trait. Even though I tend to get frustrated, I keep working and working until I reach my goals. I don't give up. Ever. I can't remember a time when I've ever given up on anything that really mattered to me. I persevered until I finally accomplished what I set out to do. And honestly, rarely has anything ever been easy. I've had to work hard for everything I have.

I'm sure to find something, though it may take some time and some hard work to get there. Thinking about it, I tend to appreciate things the harder I have to work to get them, so maybe these little setbacks will only serve to make the situation sweeter was I finally get there.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the apartment getting taken by somebody else happened for a reason. Hopefully, you'll find something 10 times better!


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.