Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bad (hair) karma

There are times where you think that things can't possibly get worse than they've been, and then you go to get your haircut.

Yeah, pretty much this is the ugliest haircut I've ever had. In my life. And I had some pretty bad hair back in the 80s. But this is, oh, so much worse. Think short, not long enough to be a bob, fluffy on top with just enough length on the bottom to give the slightest hint of a mullet. It's absolutely horrid, the kind of a hairstyle you'd see on a woman twice my age. It may be absolutely darling on someone else, but with my face it's all wrong.

I cried for a minute when I got home from having my hair slaughtered but got over it quickly enough. There's nothing I can do but bear it. I can't grin at this point. Maybe I'll forget about it and just do my hair enough in the mornings that I don't gag at the sight of it.

Normally my hairdresser does a great job, but there have been times in the past when I've wondered what she was thinking. Most of the time I've only wondered that when she styled my hair after the cut--the haircuts themselves have always been pretty good. But this time, there are no words to describe how sick I felt when I realized what direction she was going. What I was thinking, and what I thought I told her, was that I wanted to grow my hair out, so I needed more layers to keep it from being too bulky on the sides. We definitely weren't communicating because what I got didn't relate to my vision at all.

Truth be told, I'll probably have her cut my hair again because we've been friends for too many years to split over one lousy haircut. But I'm going to be more careful in my directions in the future. I'll have to come armed with pictures and a clear idea of what I want. No more free rein for her.

So for the next few weeks/months until it grows out again, I can kiss any dating goodbye. Great first impressions? So long, I'll be seeing you, hopefully sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when that happens!!! It will grow. But -- there's always the hat!


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.