Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oy, this heat

This week has already worn me out, and I really haven't done anything. The past two days I've been so tired and have had a hard time getting to sleep--not usually a good combination. A big part of that is the heat. I really think that yesterday I got overheated. The weather so far this summer has been so crazy. I can't remember another summer that's ever started out this hot or lasted so long, and it's only the beginning of July. We've got some blistering months ahead of us.

At least I have tomorrow off. Yay for the 4th of July! I finally have a job where I get regular holidays off. It's so nice. In the morning I'll be going to the zoo with my family, which should be fun since we'll have my 3-year-old niece with us. Everything is more fun when you have a child with you, especially the zoo. We're going early to avoid the midday heat. But either way, it should be fun. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful holiday!


  1. Have a good 4th of July at the zoo!

  2. Guess it's only a matter of time until we get hit with the weather. As of yet, it's been REALLY nice. Not even air conditioning weather.


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