Monday, July 30, 2007

Window shopping (supposedly)

I'm starting to get excited about moving. I stopped by several stores today with the express purpose of comparing prices on things I'll need: a microwave, a computer desk, a chair for the desk and a bookshelf. That was my intention, at least.

By the time I was done, I had bought a crock pot, some measuring cups and some tupperware (the really cheap kind I won't care if I loose it all). Tomorrow I'm going back to buy a cute bookshelf for $20 at Target (have I ever mentioned my love for all things Target?) and a rolling chair for $20, also at Target. I also scoped out prices for a blender, a mixer and other miscellaneous kitchen items. I already have a George Foreman grill I bought months ago when it was more than half off and I couldn't resist, though it has wallowed under my bed since then. But in a week's time, that little puppy will join all his new kitchen appliance friends in my new townhouse. Wahoo!

It's definitely time to move out, and I always get excited right before a big change. Especially since I'm such a cooking/home decorating nerd. I have to say, most of my stuff, though cheap, is pretty dang cute. It doesn't all match, but hey, when you've been in college for much of the past 8 years, your things develop a random, shabby chic about them.

I figure, though, that now that I have more money and the disposition, I'm going to start buying nicer things. I have nice dishes already, but I never used them for fear that a roommate would break them. Now I'll only have one roommate, and dang it, I want to pamper myself by surrounding myself with nicer things than I have in the past.

I am excited, well, for everything but the moving all my junk part. Unpacking is generally pretty fun because you get to find new places to put everything. This is good. I feel good about the direction my life is headed.


  1. I love Target. I'm already planning (in my head) exactly what my dorm room will look like based on the stuff I see at Target.

  2. I'm with you on the Target thing. They do have good stuff. You will have such fun at your new townhouse. Sounds like a great adventure. And, that George Foreman grill will be a lifesaver when you start using it. Trust me on that one!

  3. Every time I go shopping, I always have the urge to buy things like dishes and the like...but I stop myself because we really don't have anywhere to put it. LOL! I really should start thinking of buying that sort of stuff though, slowly, so when I do finally move out I won't have to worry about buying all those things. I'll already have them.


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