Sunday, April 29, 2007

Financing my life

Today in church we had a really good presentation about financial planning. I know, it sounds odd for that to be the lesson at church, but I think our leaders were worried about all us singles running up credit card debt and making unwise money choices.

Overall I'm pretty good with my money. I have a little budget I use to figure out my needed expenses and make sure to pay those first. But I also have a tendency to buy things I really don't need. Generally, though, I try not to use my credit card at all and save a little every month and more when I can.

The reason this is in my thoughts is because now that I have a good job that will bring in more money, I would really love to move out. I've been living with my family for the past year and a half to get back on my feet after college. It's been a good thing, but it definitely is time to move on.

I need somewhere I can really call my own home and not my dad's house. I need somewhere I don't have to worry about following someone else's rules. I need somewhere I feel comfortable bringing my friends, even late at night. And most of all I need somewhere that doesn't make me feel stressed to be there, always worried that someone is going to start an argument. There haven't been as many fights lately, but the worry that one will never seems to leave.

Looking online, I did find a woman who owns her own home and is looking for a roommate. It really seems like it could be the right thing for me. The price is very reasonable and within my budget. I'd also like to live in a house, something that feels a little more like home. And it'll be a private bedroom with my own bathroom, exactly what I want.

This all relates to the church lesson because I tend worry about money. I love shopping, which can be a downfall, but I also want to save up enough every month that I won't have to worry if there ever was an emergency. I want it to be covered.

So I'm thinking and planning and working it all out in my head so I'll really be able to start up my life again. It'll be so good to feel like things are progressing. It's been so long.


  1. Did they tell you to put more in the basket?

  2. Actually, in my church we give a straight 10% so it never goes up or down.

  3. You are smart to steer clear of credit cards, and to be thinking about the future while you are young. I know how much you want independence, and "need" it, too. Keep thinking "smart" and you'll be fine. Besides, you are going to be a published writer one day.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.