Friday, November 30, 2007

White vs. Wheat

I've always been a white bread kind of girl. I just can't help it. Wheat is better for me, I know that. It has more nutrients. Multi-grain is even better. But do I want that? No!

There's something so deliciously sweet about eating a thick slice of white bread slathered with honey. Or maybe plain with a bit of butter for a salty snack. Then there's raspberry jam, seedless, of course, and homemade if possible. I even enjoy a piece of toast slathered with Nutella on my chocolate days and lemon curd for those citrusy moments.

You can't do that with wheat bread. It just isn't the same. And making a classic grilled cheese sandwich with 12-grain bread? Forget it. It loses something in the translation.

The problem comes when I'm at the grocery store standing in aisle two, looking at the vast array of yeasty choices. Traditional white? Homestyle potato? How about seven-grain filled with flax and sunflower seeds?

I should (my hand reaches for the wholesome wheat), but I really want (I drift toward the thick white bread a grandmother supposedly made) though my body will thank me later (I dither again) IF it can get past the craving for the homey goodness of white.

Ahh!!! Stop the madness! I grab the white and head for the cereal aisle. My self-indulgent side wins the day, but two weeks later it's back again to that same tug of war.

I've come up with a compromise of sorts. One week it's wheat when I'm health conscious and the next it's time for my guilty pleasure. Sometimes I even splurge and buy myself a loaf of fresh-baked artisan bread (French or Italian). Mmmm...

I'm not sure what all this says about me. Maybe I take pleasure in simple things--I'd rather my life be uncomplicated. It could mean that I know what's best for me and then give in to my selfish wants. It's really a battle of should versus want. I know what I should do, but I don't always do it.

Or maybe I'm overanalyzing all of this. Choosing bread should be easy, right? Yes, if you're not an OCD-driven maniac. (Not all the time, I promise. Just when it comes to bread. And a few other things, but we're not discussing that right now.)

The conclusion of all this? I have no idea. All I know is that I'm really hungry now. Toast sounds like a great idea. But should I have jam? No, too sugary. Peanut butter? Not if I'll have peanut butter breath. Butter would be nice. But think of all that fat. Argh! Not again!


  1. I really like butter -- and honey on my wheat bread.

  2. I'm a wheat bread kind of girl. I've only ever had white bread once and for some reason, I just don't like it.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.