Wednesday, April 2, 2008

TT 21 Foolproof ways to annoy your roommates

Hmm. . . how can I annoy my roommates. Let's think.

1. Leave food out on the counter to rot for several weeks.

2. Be the first one to shower in the morning: use all the hot water and shower for well over half an hour so everyone else is late. This works especially well if there is only one bathroom and everyone else is dying as they try to find a potted plant.

3. Use all your roommates dishes, then leave them dirty in the sink for over a month.

4. Keep a pile of dirty clothes as large as your bed on the floor so there's nowhere to walk.

5. Start the washing machine, which is broken so it makes loud banging noises as it washes, right as your roommate is about to fall asleep.

6. Decorate the apartment with horribly kitschy items so your roommates are embarrassed to show people where they live.

7. Don't pay your part of the bills, then get mad and act like you already did when they ask for the money.

8. Leave hair and makeup spills all over the bathroom counter.

9. Never clean the toilet or shower.

10. Eat all your roommates ketchup and never replace it. Then act like you don't know who would have used it all.

11. Claim your roommates movies and cds as your own as you are moving so they don't realize they're gone until it's too late.

12. Demand that everyone in the apartment be completely silent whenever you watch tv or a movie, which is most of the time.

13. Try to hit on your roommate's brother and hint that if your roommate was a good friend, they'd set you up. Also, loudly proclaim that if you like any guy your roommates had better back off, even if the guy has absolutely no interest in you.

That's just a sampling of all the joyous experiences you can have with roommates. There are many fun moments in between, but enough of the items listed above will create more than enough roommate drama for anyone.

Now, this list applies specifically to women, but I'm sure many of these translate for both sexes. I've had the misfortune to experience all of these (and have probably been the perpetrator of several). They are guaranteed to drive everyone around you absolutely mad.


  1. I think I'm waaay to apathetic to create all that drama. I can't stand people yelling either. I admire your courage!

    Happy TT

  2. I had roommates like that in my younger days -- including one who was arrested at 3am for armed robbery and hauled off to jail 2 days before the rent was due!

  3. Oh, you roomed with my sister, right?


    She stole my Robert Goulet albums. It took me years to find them. She also always left the bathroom counter in a mess.

    No more dirty family laundry!

    The Pink Flamingo

  4. I'm glad I don't have roommates. Happy TT.

  5. I used to live with 5 other guys. More than half those things do NOT annoy them.

  6. The best I ever did for roommates was dorm life when I was a grad student. At that stage in my life, I was a neat freak and the crud got me! Your list is dead on.

  7. All very good reasons why I prefer to live solo! My roommate once ate my food that my mom had brought over especially for me.

  8. Oh! So this is why my room mates didn't like me. :)

  9. You are an evil genius! (Thanks for visiting my TT)

  10. oh yeah, so glad I don't have a roomie now... oh wait, yes I do, he's called a husband! ;) I've managed to train him a bit though, so he's not TOO bad! That paycheck helps too!

  11. Okay...I had one who stole my books!

    Good list.

  12. I wouldn't be able to stand it. LOL. I had a roommate who literally slept 20 hours a day and then would wake up at 3 or 4 am, turn on the overhead light, blast her music, do her homework. As a 17 y/o college gal, I put up with it but there's no way I would now!!

    Happy TT! :)

  13. I never liked having roommates. This reminds me of why.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.