Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TT 15 Creative Costumes

Ahh . . . Halloween. The time when even the shyest among us dresses up in outlandish costumes and act like fools in public. My favorite hobby during this time is people watching. (Well, I pretty much do that the rest of the year anyways, but now I have an excuse.) Below are 13 of the craziest, zaniest and most creative costumes I've come across this year.

1…. Dirty laundry. This was one of my favorites, just because it was so random. A guy had cut a hole in the middle of a laundry basket, which he put around his waist and filled with clothes. The best part, though, was the sock on his head. He gets high marks for creativity.

2…. Lego man. This was definitely a grand entrance kind of outfit. He had a big yellow head and was holding yellow Styrofoam hands. He did have a hard time walking because on his feet were two shoe boxes painted blue to look like Lego blocks. An A+ for interesting attire but a D for comfort. (He had to take off the outfit after a little while because it was so hot and uncomfortable.)

3…. God's gift to women. I laughed hysterically when I saw this guy, especially when he told my friend, who asked to take his picture, that he was hers, so she could do what she wanted. (Not in a dirty way.)

4…. Brokeback Mountain. This was a twist, of sorts, since it was two women who were dressed up as gay cowboys. From some comments I heard at the party, I think they may have been lesbians, but either way it was really funny. They get bonus points for the real-looking mustaches and sideburns.

5…. Fork. I can't say I've ever thought of going as an eating utensil (or even how I could pull that one off), but one girl cut a large fork out of Styrofoam, spray-painted it grey, and left a big hole for her face to go through. That one earned a chuckle.

6…. Satan on Sunday. Now, I didn't see this one, but I heard all about it from a friend. We left the party too early to see the devil in his bathrobe and slippers, with a bagel stuck on the prongs of his pitchfork. I'd have paid to see a costume like that.

7…. Mermaid who'd been caught. This girl took Ariel to a disturbing new level when she dressed as a mermaid holding a fishing pole and a fishing hook stuck in her mouth. It was even funnier watching her try to talk and eat with that piece of metal stuck to her lip.

8…. Where's Waldo. Not terribly hard to make as a costume (white duct tape on a red outfit), but it made me giggle nonetheless. He kept popping up where you least expected to find him, generally in a crowd of people dressed in crazy outfits. Now why does that sound familiar?

9…. Summer. This girl had a pretty outfit on, rather bohemian by the look of it, but the green shawl and vines and flowers wrapped all around her added to the effect.

10…. Desperate girl. One poor unmarried young woman was brave enough to wear a wedding dress with a sign saying that she's desperate for a ring on her finger. I should have asked her if it worked, cause I could use some help in that department.

11…. Mastercard. One enterprising soul decided that instead of making a costume, she'd wear a sign instead. Shirt . . . $30. Pants . . . $80. Shoes . . . $60. Getting a costume she didn't have to make . . . Priceless.

12…. Switching roles. A wife who was 8 months pregnant dressed as a man with a bear gut (wifebeater and all) while her husband dressed as a . . . woman who was 8 months pregnant. It was rather funny to see them together.

13…. Goose Girl. Last, and definitely least, I promised to show pictures of my Halloween costume, so here it is. not terribly creative, I know, but on Saturday when I didn't have a costume, my blind date and I decided to visit a costume shop. I really liked this medieval dress, and plus, I look dang cute in it. For work, though, I had to come up with a literary figure to fit the costume (since I work for a book publisher and all), so I chose the Goose Girl, Isi. She's the heroine of one of my favorite books, the Goose Girl, by Shannon Hale. Beautiful story if you haven't read it.
Bonus…. I have to add this one in because I thought it was hilarious. Some trick-or-treaters came by, and one 14-year-old boy was dressed like a nun. Teenage boys kill me.


  1. Oh these were so much fun to read. My favorite is definitely "God's gift to women". Hi~larious!

  2. I think your costume looks great. this was a great list.

  3. that's a great costume! I saw one tonight the guy was E Male and his wife was attachment...

  4. The most original costume I've seen this year was at my sister-in-law's party...a friend was dressed up as the current "newsworthy" politician from Idaho (John or Jack something or other). He even came equipped with a briefcase, ID tag, biosheet and some other items.

    Thank you for stopping by..have a great weekend! *smiles*

  5. Is the goose girl the one with the talking horse's head..."Alas, Falada hanging there! Alas young queen how ill you fare!" I read the original (grim if not grimm) version in my grandfather's childhood book---it was pretty scary! But your costume is gorgeous and you DO look dang cute in it!

    I had a friend who dressed as dirty laundry...but the most creative and strangest one I ever saw was called "burning bush" (and he wasn't making a political statement)

  6. Cool costumes! I actually like the Brokeback Mountain one and the Lego Man :)

    Happy Thursday!

  7. I enjoyed these!
    Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
    My TT is posted.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Happy TT'ing!
    (")_ (")Š

  8. These were some pretty creative costumes. I esp. liked the Mastercard one! As for the Brokeback Mountain girls, are you sure that their mustaches and sideburns were fake?

  9. Love #11! That's a great idea. About #7 -- did the fish hook hurt? (Thanks for stopping by my TT)

  10. God's gift to women was hiarious!!!!

    That was a nice TT!!! Have a great day!!!

  11. Wow, those are so creative. I think the wackiest costume I ever wore was a peapod outfit. I was dressed all in green, with a long piece of crepe paper covering my full length, gathered at the top to make a stem. I also had a strip of crepe paper down my front with varying sizes of green balloons for the peas. It won most original prize at my Brownie Halloween party. I was 8 at the time, you understand! Now I just dress up in pretty dresses. Note to self: must be more innovative!

  12. Awww desperate girl. I hope it worked!

  13. Very creative! A girlfriend told me about her graduate student son at the university of Minnesota, He bought a childs dragon costume and put the feet on his knees and the hands on his shoulders and then rode his bike to work. Some people are just so much fun!! Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Ditto on the God's gift winning the most creative prize :)

  15. Very creative and hilarious costumes. Happy TT

  16. Going as a fork really makes my mind boggle.

    Great TT :-)

  17. I love that dress you're wearing - that's a terrific costume. Extra points though to the dirty laundry and the fork.

  18. That was a great costume you were wearing.


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