Sunday, October 28, 2007

Horrors (and highlights) of dating

I'm so bored. I feel bad, but Blind Date #1 is talking to me on the phone right now, and instead of talking to him, I'm blogging and saying "Uh huh" and "Yeah" every once in a while to make him think I'm actually paying attention. I'm so bad, I know, but I don't know how to tell him to stop calling me. I'm such a chicken.

Ahh! I just want to scream. I had to stop typing for a minute there because he caught me at it--he could hear me typing over the phone. Well, I told him that I wasn't interested in going out with him again--after he talked about nothing for a good fifteen minutes--but he wouldn't let it go. He kept asking if he had done something wrong or offended me. I told him no, and then he proceeded to ask me if I wanted to go out as friends. That thought scares me as well because I'd be bored out of my mind for who knows how many friendly conversations and non-dates.

Then he asked, again, if he had done something wrong. Once again, I told him no, but then he kept talking for another ten minutes about how you can't really get to know someone in only one date, and so he asked me out again. I really hope most guys aren't that dense, but honestly, when I tell him I'm not interested, how many times do I have to repeat myself before he understands? It also made me feel really guilty that I was turning him down, but there's nothing to do about that. I don't want to go out again.

Okay, so breakdown of my weekend. Needless to say, he was a little weird. Even my dad admitted that today when I talked about my date. (Thanks, Dad, appreciate you trying to set me up with weirdos. Can't wait to see what you're going to try next.)

Well, he arrived an hour and a half late, which I only minded because he kept calling every few minutes to tell me he was running late, and then that he was lost. Once we finally got going, I was holding on for dear life as he drove. He's originally from Mexico, so I'm pretty sure that's where he learned to drive. (I'm not saying everyone in Mexico drives poorly, but I've seen some really scary ones before, and he was definitely among them.)

Bowling was okay, but the conversation was really boring, and he also kept getting into my personal space. I'm not sure I've discussed this before, but I really have issues with guys I don't know invading my personal space. Hovering over me qualifies, big time, as invading said personal space. As I was bowling, he would stand right behind me--he never sat down. I kept inching closer to the lane to get away from him, so it made it harder to bowl. That didn't hurt my score, however, as I creamed him, nearly doubling his score. It also bested my personal record. Three strikes in a row and a score of 172, thank you very much. (Okay, I know it's not much to brag about, but that was good for me.)

Okay, I'm done talking about that date. I'd like now to move on to much happier dating experiences with Blind Date #2. (Sorry, this is going to be a long post, but if you want good details, you'll have to slog through it.)

He was a little late as well, but once I told him where to turn he got there just fine. We went to breakfast and had a really good conversation while we were there. It seems both of us really like to travel: he got back from a few weeks ago from a trip to China (yes, I am very jealous) and I went camping, which he also likes to do. So far, so good. (I have to add in one annoying thing from my previous date because I just thought of it. Every time I'd agree that a certain movie was good, or even when I told him I went to the same university as he did, he'd say, "That's another thing we have in common." Honestly, if you have to search for things you have in common, that's pushing it a little too much.)

Back to the other story, after lunch we decided to visit a costume shop to see if we could find Halloween costumes since neither of us had any idea of what to dress up as. It was fun looking around, and we helped each other choose costumes. I'll leave you in suspense about my costume for a few days. I have other parties to go to, and I'll post some pictures later, but I have to say that I do look pretty dang cute.

That date ended well, and it was interesting to find out that we both go to the same church and he's good friends with one of my good friends. Talk about kismet.

So those were my dates. We'll see how #2 works out. Who knows what will happen there, but it will be interesting to see how things progress.

1 comment:

  1. I still haven't gotten good at blogging and talking at the same time. I always end up writing something that doesn't make any sense and then I have to go back and revise.

    That guy sounds annoying. Continuing to ask someone who's already said no out only makes the situation worse.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.