Saturday, July 4, 2009


There's something spectacular about Independence Day. When I was little, I used to take the sawdust from those little packets of poppers, as we called them, and pretend it was fairy dust. My cousins and I would run through the park sprinkling fairy dust on each other.

But then the fireworks would start up, and we would lie on the grass and Ooh! and Aah! with each explosion of color. It was magical.

Now that I'm older, there's something still inherently magical about the Fourth of July. Not the same type of magic as when I was a child. This time it's the magic of what the holiday stands for that gives me tingles.

Just the other day as I was lying down, sick, I heard the song Proud to Be an American come on the radio, and I felt that magic. There's something inherently beautiful in the freedoms we have as Americans, in the pride we hold as a nation. In God We Trust.

Now those tingles stem from the knowledge that I am an American and I am free. I'm blessed to live in such a glorious nation, and I'm proud of the efforts we make to ensure freedoms for the rest of the world.

I am proud to be an American, and I hope for those of you who are American feel some of that pride. Though we have made mistakes, be glad to know we live in a nation that values freedom.

So as you participate in parades and fireworks and family barbecues, remember why we have this holiday. Keep the magic of this holiday alive in your own heart. I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the fairydust! I will forever see the sawdust from poppers in a new light. ;)

    Lovely blog!


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