Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hey baby, can I have your ISBNs . . .

Yesterday was too much fun, owing to a particular meme on Twitter. Wait for it . . . wait for it . . . #publishingpickupline! Yes, you guessed it. Book nerds and people working in the industry got together and created some of the funniest pick up lines this side of distribution.

I'm not sure how it started, but the results are so hilarious, I had to capture the best of them here for your perusing pleasure. Some of them you have to know about the publishing process (and the terms used) to understand them. If they're really hard to understand, leave a comment and I'll interpret for you.

I tried to weed out the really dirty ones, so these are all fairly clean, and most of them had me laughing hard. So enjoy, and maybe add your own at the end. Though remember, we keep a fairly clean blog here.

I'll start off with my own offering: I wanna see my name written on your spine.

adamgaumont I want you blad

jo_words Five minutes with me and you'll be sans serif!

WheatmarkSusan I'm not just another pretty typeface. Take me home and try me in layout.

corpuslibris I'd thumb your index any day.

adamgaumont Once you see my em-dash, you'll never go back to hyphens.

@janinelaporte I'd like to deckle your edges.

kaiwan I know I shouldn't judge by the covers, but baby I like what I see.

NickDuring With a backlist like that it's going to take a long time to make up your advance

EGDeedy "how about you get comfortable and slip out of those indies..."

bsandusky You had me at "Winner of the National Book Award".

AnnKingman Wow, check out the blurbs on that one!

lauramazer i'm dying to shelve you in current affairs.

lauramazer with case specs like that, you should be shelved in erotica

s_m_bailey wanna work my text block ragged?

WorkmanPub You'd look good in the chains, but even better in bricks and mortar

WorkmanPub Don't worry, the children are in a different catalog.

@hkdimon: What's a nice girl like you doing with a cover like that?

KatMeyer oh baby, that is one well-built author platform!

@NickDuring: Baby what's your discount? I want to order in bulk

NickDuring I saw you in the catalog and had to pick you up

@bookoven: i'm feeling naughty: how bout you split your infinitives, and i'll end this on a preposition.

bostonbookgirl I can help you extend your deadline.

bostonbookgirl I'd swap spot gloss with you any day.

bsandusky Didn't I see you at the top of the NYT Bestseller list?

bsandusky I don't care what anyone says, you'll always be leather-bound, hand-sewn in my mind.

AnnKingman C'mon, give me a little peek under your french flaps ...

bostonbookgirl Wanna proof my bluelines, Sweet Cheeks?

AnnKingman Let's go in the back room and strip off our covers

RandomHouseCA You must have just come from the printer cause you are hot!

kalenski It's embargoed, but I'll let you take a peek.

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