Tuesday, August 7, 2007

No rest for the weary

I don't have much time tonight but I thought I'd just check in. I have so much stuff to move, and seeing as I didn't really pack beforehand, I'm now throwing things into boxes and suitcases trying to move as much as I can each trip. Nice thing is that I can leave things at my dad's house and take my time if I want, but I'd like to get most of it done in the next few days.

My new roommate and I discussed the bedroom situation, seeing as there's the master bedroom that is much larger and one smaller room. I'll take the smaller room but she'll pay more in rent and in about 4 months one of her friends wants to move in as well, so we'll have another person to divide costs with. It should be good, and there's enough room for 3 people.

One thing I always forget, though, is how much it costs to get started up again. What with buying food, paying deposits and buying furniture and other things, it adds up really quickly. I'll try to be frugal, and I do already have a lot of things so I'm hoping it won't be too bad.

Now I'm off again, back to the apartment. One thing I really need to figure out is my Internet situation. I can't live without the Internet, and I pray it won't cost me an arm and a leg to get good service (i.e. high speed. Please, please, oh please no dial-up).

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I'd live without high speed internet. I really do hope that you don't end up with dial-up.


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