Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another milestone

I've done it, I've reached another milestone in my life. This one has the number "28" marked on it.

Normally when I think of milestones, I think of big accomplishments and extraordinary events. I haven't had many in this past year. But I still think it a great thing to celebrate the milestone of reaching another birthday, another year, older and wiser with a touch more humility and introspection.

It has been a year of moderate successes and even more modest failures. Of dealing with blunt rejection and coming to understand that nothing is ever easy that is worth the effort.

I've tasted the sweet (and savory) fruits of my labors as I've reaped the vegetables from a first-ever garden. I've made new friends while letting old friends go on their way.

I've learned how to become a writer through sweat and tears, and I've put away the notion that I must get it perfect on the first try. I've learned that dedication can push through obstacles—and writer's block.

I've also learned to forgive as well as mend a broken heart.

Those are wonderful milestones to be celebrated, but there are many more I want to honor next year.

I want to relearn how to cherish the small moments, and to worry more about finding time to appreciate life than forcing myself to get everything done right now.

I want to find balance in my life while remembering that passion is good—in moderation. I want to eat well and be healthy without obsessing over the fact that my pants are still tighter than I would wish them.

I want to push toward my goals without being felled by rejection and failure. I want to learn to love again for the sake of loving, no questions asked or nothing needed in return.

In essence, I want to be happy with who I am while constantly striving to improve.

But, on this day of milestones, I must also remember to thank those who've helped me get here. You are too numerous to mention, but I will keep all of you in my heart this day, and for the next 364.

All I ask is that you love me even when I'm a brat and forgive my foibles even when I have a hard time forgiving myself. Be there for me when I need you.

In return, I promise to love a little more each day and forget about myself to think of you a tad more. I'll remember you in my prayers and be better at telling you why I appreciate and love you.

In essence, I want to welcome you into my life and my heart without reservation.

So as I head into 28 I'll try to keep in mind that there is much to be grateful for from 27, but even more to look forward to in 28. Especially if you'll be there beside me.

1 comment:

I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.