Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time needs to fly!

This week is going by so slowly, only because there's something I'm really looking forward to next week. And what, you ask, could be so exciting about my deathly dull life?


Now, for those of you not in the know, this is only the biggest gathering of publishers, writers, editors, librarians—basically anyone who has anything to do with books—in the country. It's actually the second largest in the world, with the London Book Fair taking top marks, but I'll take what I can get since my company isn't likely to pay for a lowly editor to fly to London. (Worse for them, I say. I know my way around London. I can carry things. They really should have me go.)

Anyway, at this wonderful gathering of all things books, there will be loads of free stuff . . . like books, for example. Free books? Yes, free books. It's like they're offering me free heroin from the top producers in the world.

Not only am I getting paid to attend, I'll be hobnobbing with the authors as well probably only for the 15 seconds it takes to scribble their names, but hey, I'm not picky.

The reason I mention all this is because that is where my head has been since I got back from camping and where it will firmly stay planted until the euphoria of my chosen drug has faded—most likely several weeks later when I've finished reading most of my hoard of books.

So if you don't hear from me, I'm probably reading. If you do, it's more than likely I'll be blogging about books that haven't even been released yet. Are you jealous yet? I can keep going if you're not. Christopher Paolini, Cornelia Funke, Neil Gaiman, Salman Rushdie, Eoin Colfer, Sarah Addison Allen, Anita Shreve. Just some of the many wonderful people I plan to meet.

Okay, I'll stop gloating now. I'm just so excited. But I should probably tone it down a bit or my co-workers will end up drugging me with sleeping pills like they've already threatened.

Only one week to go till BookExpo. Wahoo!

P.S. Anyone who knows me personally is welcome to borrow any of the books I bring back on the condition that it is not permanent borrowing, and you'll probably have to wait until I've read it first. Plus there's already a waiting line for some of the books. Boy this is fun. I feel like a dragon perched atop my hoard of gold and treasures. Or at least dreaming of it. Sigh. One more week. How will I make it that long?

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