Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back in the saddle again . . .

Yes, I do think of blog titles in song. It's often the first thing that comes to me.

Anyway, this week has been momentous (for me at least) in that I've decided my book is about as ready as I can get it. This means QUERYING! Yep, I've started again, and it's such an exciting feeling. Even those first few rejections have a power to them, knowing that I'm out there doing what I need to be doing.

I won't bore you with query stats this time around, but just know that I'm busy doing everything I can to get Jessamine published. And the reason for that, my friends, can be found in last week's post. I want to get Jessamine published so she can be read, so the story can really come to life. I love it to much to let it sit in a box.

So watch out world, I'm coming!

1 comment:

  1. It's good you are excited to query again. An agent has my MS, but I wonder from time to time if I should send more queries out. The fact that you love your story enough to keep sending it out means something.
    ~ Wendy


I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.