Wednesday, July 11, 2007

About time

These past few Thursdays I just haven't felt like participating as I usually do in Thursday Thirteen. I'm sure I'll return to my normally scheduled programming next week, but for now I just want to blog about what's been going on today. (As a note, I really appreciate having a blog where I can dump all my thoughts and cares. It's wonderfully cathartic.)

Well, I continue to be frustrated living at home and am really anxious to find a place of my own. I realized while talking to my stepmom tonight (I wish my dad would stop telling her exactly what I say. It makes it so I don't want to confide in him because I don't trust him to keep it to himself.) that some of my frustrations aren't necessarily with her, per se, but with the situation. After having lived on my own for so many years, it's extremely difficult to go back home where people tell you what to do or expect you to abide by their rules. So, although I do bristle at the way she asks me to do things, that isn't all that I'm frustrated with. Just having someone expect me to do what they want is irritation enough for me.

It's more than time for me to strike out on my own again, but I finally have the means and the ways to accomplish that. I spoke again to the girl who wants to find a roommate. After the first place fell through, both she and I started looking for other places that would fit within our budgets. Tomorrow we're going to look at one of them. I really hope something works out, and soon. It'll be nice to have my life moving forward again instead of stagnating all the time. It's definitely time.

1 comment:

I'd love to hear what you think. Please keep in mind that disagreeing with kindness is much more productive than with rudeness. Besides, I like nice people.